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This is Logan Ward's signature and is on all of his art. It says L dot W A R D and then ends with a square bracket.
_Remarkable_ Voices from the Trans Community_ Documentary film poster_


Subjective perspectives are essential to research and our modern media landscape. Yet, the subjective reports of trans people are under constant scrutiny. Trans people of all ages are denied insurance coverage for medical transition until a trusted expert is willing to verify their sense of self. Why are trans identities so easily dismissed? What makes someone an expert? Do objective perspectives even exist? Interviews with innovators such as Julia Serano, anthropologist Marijke Naezer, and the perspectives of trans community members help us to visualize the possibilities of a world wherein we finally trust one another.

Directed and produced by trans man, illustrator, and journalist Logan Ward as a part of his master's thesis at Emerson College, this documentary advocates for use of community-centered methods to refine future research, interviews, and reports that involve the trans community.

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